Register for the free masterclass:

Sacred Leadership:

Creating Authentic Transformational Ceremonies With Intuitive Wisdom

Register Today!

Learn how to lead sacred ceremonies... 

Activate the ancestral wisdom in your blood memory...

Receive high-level support in our loving spiritual community...

~ Introducing ~

The Initiation

This sacred 13-week live spiritual transformation experience will teach you a sacred ceremony framework, offer you powerful universal spiritual tools and intuitive development practices so you can root into your unique linage to show up as a spiritual leader in your community.

At the end of this program, you will be an initiated Ritual Facilitator and receive a certificate of completion.

Begin Your Initiation
Ceremony is the original healing modality.
If you go back far enough, we all come from ancestors who practiced earth-based spirituality, who worshiped the divine feminine and sacred masculine, and used rituals as their primary source of connecting to their bodies, the land, and the spirit realm.
Your body and your blood remember this.
Are you ready to ignite the ancient wisdom that lives within you?



Welcome Beloved...

to your transformative 13-week training and initiation that will awaken the spiritual leader within you.

Dive deep into the mystical realm of ritual as we gather in our sacred circle, where the power of coaching and community intertwines with ancient wisdom, practical teachings, and intuitive guidance.

Weekly 90 Minute Zoom Training Calls with Melanie
Thursdays at 2pm US Eastern Time
A learning portal with easy access to replays of training calls
An online community and soul family to support you in your growth

Is This Experience For You?

✨You want a deeply spiritual transformative experience that taps you into your intuitive and channeling abilities

You want to aid others in going deeper in their healing journey

You want to channel in-the-moment transformative experiences for yourself and others 

You want to feel confident in creating and leading shadow work visions / shamanic journeying / guided meditations

You want to add another revenue stream to a healing or coaching business

Take a moment to tune into your heart. Do you feel a YES in your body? If so, this is for you.

Begin Your Initiation

A letter to you from Melanie...

Rituals have been part of our human experience for over 70,000 years. This is an ancient birthright woven into the very fabric of our souls.

So many of us ache for the gift of initiation, but we don't have access to the ceremonial traditions of our ancestors. This program is meant to serve as a space for you to receive a spiritually transformative experience in a way that is anchored into your unique spiritual linage and ancestral linage. You will create your own "brand" of spirituality, and learn how to bring this forward as a gift to the world.

By becoming a Ceremony Leader and Ritual Facilitator, you are stepping into a role that combines spirituality, leadership, and intuition. You will serve as a guide and catalyst for personal transformation, helping individuals tap into their inner wisdom and manifest lives filled with meaning and magic.

Within this program, we will work with a specific framework birthed from my own experience as a Master Self-Love Coach, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Teacher, along with the teachings of my great uncle, the extraordinary Heyoka Merrifield, a revered medicine man and shaman who initiated me as a ceremonial leader through a vision quest.

The sacred work we do together is a union of non-denominational spiritual traditions and universal spiritual tools.

I have worked with hundreds of people on their spiritual journeys, and facilitated countless transformations. One thing I know to be true from my decade of working professionally in the healing and wellness space is that ritual is greatly missing from our modern society, and this reclamation will not only change your life, but it will change the world.

At the end of this journey, you will be given a certificate as a Ritual Facilitator. This magical path will deepen your personal spiritual practice, embolden your confidence in guiding others through sacred experiences, and allow you to create a new sacred offering for your community.


Celebrating past initiates:


I have had so many spiritual experiences

"This course has also allowed me to grow spiritually, and receive more downloads and strengthening my intuition and gifts. I have had so many spiritual experiences and signs given to me in just these past few weeks, than I have had in the past few years." - Sara F.
January 2024 Cohort

I'm Glowing

"Thank you for creating this program. 🙏 It’s definitely helped me transition through my dark night of the soul. Now I’m much more confident in talking about my spiritual side. Having a safe space to grow and experiment with this side of me has been a gift. And people keep telling me I’m glowing!!" - Michelle M.
January 2024 Cohort


"The Ritual Facilitator Training offered information on what a ritual facilitator does and in-depth practice on how to facilitate our own rituals. I love the new tools I was provided to carry out a ritual and I trust myself more." - Gloria S.
September 2023 Cohort


"Melanie is knowledgeable and a wonderful teacher. All materials were provided and I felt like I was able to learn and feel confident doing these practices on my own." - Beverley D.
September 2023 Cohort

I am free and divine

"I got a lot of info out of it. It made me feel free and divine. It was great." - Shanae Y.
September 2023 Cohort


The Initiation

Through our 13-week journey, you will be taught the 5-Step Ritual Framework curated by Melanie Monaco. This framework has been proven to be deeply transformative while also being efficient and simple enough to replicate in various circumstances - with individuals, groups, online, in person, in courses, workshops, family gatherings, and more.

Week One

You will be welcomed into this experience with an initiation ceremony. We will go over the course framework and training principles

Week Two

We will discuss the history of ritual and understand will explore how we show up as individuals by looking at sovereignty, ancestry, and appropriation. Through discussion and guided reflections, you will have a deeper understanding of your unique gifts.

Week Three

We will begin to understand the first step of our ritual framework, preparation, and you will learn the various tools you can use to not only prepare your sacred space but also to prepare yourself for facilitating transformative experiences.

Week Four

This week is looking at the second step of our ritual framework, which is Divination. We will explore divinatory tools such as oracle cards, tarot cards, intuitive development, scrying (think crystal ball!), and channeling.

Week Five

We will continue our discussion on Divination and will dive into a deeper exploration of your genetic lineage and your spiritual linage.

Week Six

We will explore our third step of our ritual framework - Interpretation. This step is all about bringing your unique voice, inspirational leadership, and channeling abilities to deliver the message received through divination in a way that resonates with your ritual participants. Divination is the message, interpretation is the delivery.

Week Seven

Through continuing our discussion on Interpretation, you will be guided through a series of meditations that you will learn how to utilize in your ritual practices.

Week Eight

We will look at all the different ways that we can guide ritual attendees (and ourselves) through integrating the ritual message and themes through practices like guided meditations, energy healing, breath work, and more. It is one thing to understand something cognitively, it's another to embody it. This step is what makes this specific ritual framework so transformative and powerful.

Week Nine

We will explore the way we close a ritual ceremony, care for ourselves as facilitators and practitioners, client/ritual attendee relationships, ethics, and basic sacred business practices. We will also talk about magical marketing tools so you can cultivate community for your professional Ritual Facilitator work.

Week Ten

This week we will begin to practice delivering rituals in community. This is part of your certification process, and through being held by the community, you will begin to bring your power forward as a Ritual Facilitator. We will continue the conversations about Interpretation and channeling, and have space for Q+A.

Week Eleven

This week we will continue to offer space for each attendee to lead us in a Guided Ritual, as is required for certification. There will be continued time for exploration and discussion of the unique themes and ideas present in our group.

Week 12

This week we will continue to offer space for each attendee to lead us in a Guided Ritual, as is required for certification. There will be continued time for exploration and discussion of the unique themes and ideas present in our group.

Week Thirteen

Each attendee will be individually initiated and honored as a Ritual Facilitator. Through a sacred ceremony, together we will release any blocks or resistances keeping us from claiming our power as spiritual leaders. We will have room for deeper conversations, final questions, coaching, and community connection.

The Details

The Initiation is a 13-week experience.

90-Minute live ceremony calls will be scheduled for every other Sunday at 11am PST / 2pm EST / 6pm GMT from the September 22nd-December 21st (Autumn Equinox-Winter Solstice)

Training calls will be recorded and available to re-watch after the program ends.

Included in your program are pre-recorded video modules, a private what's app group with community and individual support from Melanie, and live bi-weekly zoom calls.

There are Two Pathways to Certification:

1. Watch all 7 training calls
2. Attend at least four live training calls on Zoom
3. Hold a mini-ritual on one of our training calls and receive feedback from Melanie 

1. Watch all 7 training calls
2. Complete four 50-minute 1:1 calls with Melanie
3. Facilitate a mini-ritual on a 1:1 or group training call and receive feedback

Upon completion of either of these pathways, you will receive a certificate as a Sacred Ritual Facilitator.

If you join us in this initiation program, you are expected to fully commit to this experience. You will receive loving accountability for your home practices and actionable steps. This program is meant to be woven into your life as it is, it is not meant to interrupt your business or other responsibilities.

However, please be sure that you are in a season where you can truly show up and do the work.

Due to the intimate nature of this group, and the amount of support you'll be receiving, your full commitment to this container and community is required.

Begin Your Initiation


For this offering, we created a sliding-scale system, which allows you to choose a payment option that aligns with your current circumstances. We have payment plans available to offer even more accessibility.

Before confirmation of enrollment, you will be taken to a page with more in-depth information about our pricing tiers where you can choose a payment option that works for you.

Community Pathway

Payment Plans starting at $444 USD

Pay-In-Full: $1,666

  • 7 Bi-Weekly Live Training Calls
  • Online Learning Portal
  • Exclusive Online Community Group

1:1 Pathway

Payment Plans starting at $694 USD

Pay-In-Full: $2,666 USD

  • 7 Bi-Weekly Live Training Calls
  • Online Learning Portal
  • Exclusive Online Community Group
  • Four 1:1 Calls with Melanie Monaco

Are you ready to dive in?

Use the form below to take the first step to joining The Ritual Facilitator Initiation Program.

Our next class will run from the Autumn Equinox to the Winter Solstice

Calls are every other Sunday September 22nd-December 21st