The Guided Rituals Membership

Daily Sacred Ceremony
Simplified Spiritual Practices
Intuitive Readings

Deepen your spiritual practice with ease, consistency, and community.


daily spiritual self-care doesn't have to be time consuming, difficult, boring, or lonely

we have all heard how important it is to commit to self-care. we know how impactful it can be to exercise regularly, nurture our bodies with nourishing food, drink water, and get enough sleep...

but what about your spiritual self-care?

you might already be incorporating spiritual practices into your daily habits

or maybe you're trying to do more self-care and struggling to stick to any sort of routine

perhaps you just don't know where to start on your spiritual journey

or you're simply looking for an easy and effective practice that goes deeper than just a guided meditation

and perhaps you're missing a sense of community and connection from your spiritual practices.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, the Guided Rituals membership is for you:


Guided Rituals For Every Day

Simple, effective 20 minute rituals channeled and delivered to you via our membership portal and our very own app.


Monthly Mini Readings 

Receive an individual mini reading each month to support you on your path!


Special Solstice and Equinox Rituals

Longer rituals will be made available for special moments such as the solstices, equinoxes, and other celestial events.

What Are Guided Rituals?

  • 15-30 minute spiritual practices
  • Includes collective card readings (you will have opportunities to vote for the deck we pull from. We have a rotation of ~12 different decks.)
  • Inspirational conversations and intuitively channeled messages based on the energy present in our membership community.
  • Guided meditations and embodiment practices to integrate the channeled message. We utilize various techniques including visualization, breath work, energy healing, EFT tapping, chakra clearing, connecting with spirit guides, past life regression, shadow work, and more.
  • Completely unique and intuitively led in the moment of the recording. I never use scripts for these rituals. 
  • Not rooted in a specific religion / non-denominational, and can accompany other spiritual belief systems or religions.
  • Available to you anytime. If you watch a replay, no matter how long ago it was recorded, you will still be receiving the messages meant for you at the exact right time.
  • Available in video AND audio format (so if you don't have time to sit down and watch, you can listen on a walk, while folding laundry, on your way to work, etc.)
  • Accessible and simple enough for beginners
  • With enough depth for the spiritually evolved
  • Videos that are profound and insightful, while also being entertaining and grounded
  • Easy to fit into your daily routine

This is your invitation to slow down, go within, and connect to your authentic self

It's like a daily workout for your soul

Humans have been practicing meditation for over 2,000 years!

There are several proven health benefits to incorporating mindfulness tools like meditation into your life. Studies have shown that meditation:

  • eases stress, depression, anxiety, negative emotions, and insomnia
  • reduces pain and helps to prevent disease
  • increases memory and cognitive function
  • enhances interpersonal relationships, creativity, and self-love

people who meditate are on average 10% happier than people who don't!

(*check out the link to these stats and more by clicking here)

With consistent practice you can improve your general sense of wellbeing, expand your spiritual awareness, and cultivate more joy, peace, and fulfillment.

Sign Me Up!

Humans Have Been Doing Rituals for over 70,000 years
(yes, you read that right. seventy thousand years.)

Rituals Allow Us To Create Meaning, Expand Our Consciousness, and Cultivate Connection

One of the through lines in spiritual belief systems around the world is the commitment to ritual. Ritual offers us a respite from the weight of our daily responsibilities, gives us a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves, and allows us to find purpose even in pain.

In our current society, we are taught to rush through our days accomplishing as much as possible, to push down our emotions, and to focus on achievement and what we do (instead of who we are.)

If you feel like you can't catch your breath trying to keep up with these societal expectations, you're not alone. and it's not your fault.

I created this membership as a way to facilitate the ancient and inherently human experience of ritual. while also understanding the unique demands of contemporary life.


The Guided Rituals Membership

This is for you if you're ready to deepen your spiritual journey and your devotion to self-care because you understand that by intentionally taking time to connect to your heart, mind, body, and soul, your whole life will expand in magical ways.

Guided Rituals

Upon signing up for the membership you will have immediate access to 100+ Guided Rituals. We add new rituals every week too! You will be able to access the ritual via your membership portal website and our app.

Monthly 1:1 Readings

Each month you will have the opportunity to request a 1:1 reading to be sent to your email. These readings are channeled and recorded, so you can watch them anytime! The purpose will be to provide you with guidance on your spiritual path, but you can request the reading to address any specific areas of your life.

Special Events

Included in your membership are longer, more in-depth seasonal and astrologically focused rituals honoring events such as the New Moon, Full Moon, Equinoxes, Solstices, and more!

Ready to experience the magic? Choose your membership plan:



Experience Three Powerful Rituals For Free!




Pay As You Go, Upgrade Anytime

  • Daily Guided Rituals (Meditations, Card Readings, & More!)
  • Online Membership Portal 
  • Membership App 
  • Monthly Mini Readings
  • Option To Add-On Discounted 1:1 Readings

9 Month Membership


Pay Up Front & Save $100

  • Daily Guided Rituals (Meditations, Card Readings, & More!)
  • Online Membership Portal 
  • Membership App 
  • Monthly Mini Readings
  • Option To Add-On Discounted 1:1 Readings 
  • Cost Savings of $100 Compared To Our Monthly Payment Plan
  • Bonus Individualized Mini Reading Sent To You Within 7 Days Of Signing Up!

Meet your guide

Hi, I'm Melanie Monaco

I always had a calling to do meaningful work that helped others. After finding fulfillment through exploring spirituality, psychology, and wellness on my own journey, and made the decision to help others.

Over the course of a decade, I gathered certifications and attended trainings in coaching, archetypal psychology, embodiment and energy healing, spirituality, yoga and fitness, nutrition, Intuitive Eating, and more. Most notably, I am the facilitator of the #1 Self-Love Coach Program and a Priestess Initiate of the 13 Moon Mystery School. I also grew up being mentored by my great-uncle, Heyoka Merrifield, a renowned medicine man and artist. He taught me how to lead ceremony using sacred tools and ideologies passed down through our family's lineage.

As a wounded healer, I have experienced the many challenges that go along with psychological and physical trauma. I have a close relationship with my own experiences of moving through shame, self-sabotage, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and physical pain. Self-love became the foundation of my personal development journey and professional work because I found that through bringing love to the inner darkness that we all hold, we can create alchemy; taking our darkness and turning into empathy, empowerment, and an elevated consciousness.

Combining my own lived experience, my years of helping others on their healing journey as a teacher, coach, energy healer, and spiritual guide, along with my several professional trainings and certifications, I use proven tools paired with intuitive insight to offer my community a space where they can tap into their own inner wisdom and manifest a life that is filled with meaning and magic.

Have more questions? Connect with me on Instagram @theselflovelifestyle

I have been working with Melanie for the last 5 months now and really look forward to her guided rituals ... She has changed my life in so many ways, I now know what self love is all about! Through her programs, meditations, and rituals I have learned so much about me. Thank you so much Melanie, you are truly doing amazing work and helping others to live better lives. - Debra P.

The goal of these rituals is not to preach a specific belief system to you.

Our rituals offer you space to tap into your own inner wisdom and to strengthen your unique relationship to spirituality.

 Our rituals are non-denominational, meaning we are not aligned with any specific religions. These rituals can be a supplement to whatever spiritual belief systems you have in place already. If we incorporate a tool or offer a message that does not vibe with your own beliefs, that’s fine! Take what works for you and leave what doesn’t. 

This is not a religion or a cult. As your guide, I will never try to pretend that I know more about you than you. You are the expert of your life, belief systems, and emotions. 

Our tools and practices are meant to encourage self-awareness, self-responsibility, and self-trust. The power of our practices is not the practices themselves, but rather that they help you to harness your innate power. Our rituals are not the magic, YOU are the magic. The rituals provide you an opportunity to experience your authenticity and intuition.

The focus of this membership is spiritual self-care through ritual. This membership takes the confusion out of where to start and what to do. It also provides a community so you don't have to travel the spiritual path alone. Whether you regularly DIY rituals or you've never done a ritual like this before, this membership will meet you where you are at and will welcome you with loving open arms.


Try out three of our most powerful Guided Rituals for free

We feel confident that you will love your experience in the membership, which is why we want to offer you three free Guided Rituals!

Experience Three Guided Rituals For FREE!